2016 - NADTA 37th Annual Conference |

Circle Game, by Cleopatra Bertelsen
The Power of Dramatic Play and Creativity: Sunshine Under the Umbrella
37th Annual Conference October 27 - 30, 2016
Hilton Seattle Airport & Conference Center in Seattle, Washington, United States

You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation. ~ Plato
The field of drama therapy thrives on dramatic play and creativity: ritual, improvisation, theater games, role, masks, puppets, embodied and projective play are all core elements of our work. Dramatic play enhances therapeutic alliances and creates empathy; it inspires cooperation, flexibility and growth. Creativity allows us to express our repertoire of emotions and inspires our imagination. Let us come together to actively explore how the benefits of dramatic play and creativity facilitate change and improve overall health and wellbeing.
We ask you to consider: What are the critical components of dramatic play and how might they be measured? How have dramatic play and creativity supported the development of drama therapy as an evidence based practice? How does dramatic play align and support a trauma informed practice? What are the drawbacks and limitations of using dramatic play and creativity in various settings? How can drama therapists strengthen community and create a sense of belonging using dramatic play? How does drama therapy’s ancient roots impact how we use dramatic play in the work today? In what ways can we sustain dramatic play and creativity in our field?
Through enriching conversation, critical investigation, inspiring collaboration, synergetic sharing, nurturing connection, and playfulness we will learn from each other, expand the umbrella, and generate global enthusiasm for drama therapy.
Join us this October for NADTA's Annual Conference! It is an event you do NOT want to miss.
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Registration Fees
Early Registration - Ends September 1st Midnight EST

REGISTRATION: Received AFTER September 1

Member Discount: If you would like to join the NADTA to qualify for member discounts, please join online at www.nadta.org prior to registering for the conference.
Meals: The Annual Membership Meeting & Luncheon is included with the Registration Fee. All other meals are the responsibility of the attendee. Vegetarian and Kosher meals are available if requested by September 15, 2016.
Continuing Education (CE)
North American Drama Therapy Association (NADTA) has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6819. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. NADTA is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
Questions can be directed to the NADTA's Program Administrator with the NBCC: [email protected]
RDT CE Documentation Form