The membership period is from May 1st to April 30th. Membership renewal and Registry fees are due by May 1st each year.
Graduates of theatre/drama programs or drama therapists who are using drama for educational and therapeutic purposes.
Annual Dues: $60 USD
Member 65+
Members 65 or older. Proof of status is required (copy of driver's license or equivalent). Please note that members age 65 or older who hold the RDT or BCT credentials should renew as a professional member to maintain the NADTA credential.
Annual Dues: $50 USD
Student/Alternative Training Student
Students who are actively advancing professional training in drama therapy. To qualify for this discount, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Graduate Students: You should be enrolled as an active student in one of the NADTA accredited Drama Therapy (DT) graduate degree programs and must upload a copy of your current student ID each year that you renew your student membership.
- AT Contract Holders: You must have a current NADTA Alternative Training (AT) contract (updated, signed annually by you and your BCT) uploaded to your member profile, and be actively pursuing drama therapy education with the goal of becoming a Registered Drama Therapist (RDT).
All Student accounts are placed in a pending status upon joining the NADTA.
- First Year University Program Students: Proof of current student status is required.(School ID)
- First Year Alternative Training Students: A one time $80.00 application fee and a copy of their signed initial Alterative Learning Contract is required.
Annual Dues: $40 USD
Schools, theatres, and other organizations that use drama for educational and therapeutic purposes. This category entitles two members of the organization to attend NADTA conferences at the member rate.
Annual Dues: $105 USD
Registry Categories
(Annual membership dues are included in the registry renewal fee)
Professional RDT
Registered drama therapists who have successfully completed the RDT application process and may use the initials RDT; have a masters degree in drama therapy, theatre, or behavioral science; drama/theatre training; supervised clinical training; and extensive work experience in the field of drama therapy.
Annual Dues: $100 USD
Professional RDT/BCT
Individuals who have been RDT's for at least five years and have successfully completed the application process to be Board Certified as a Teacher/Trainer/Mentor (BCT).
Annual Dues: $120 USD