The Dramatherapy Listserv is a public email listserv of people who are interested in the field of drama therapy. It is open to anyone who wishes to engage in conversation or observe conversations about the field or practice of drama therapy. Listserv subscribers are also able to send and receive notices about events and job opportunities.

The Dramatherapy Listserv is run through a Google Groups platform. You may need to sign up for a Google account to join. If you already have one, please use your Google account as the main email address for the listserv.

The listserv will be checked for approvals and additions every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month.
How Do I Subscribe to the Listserv?

Send an email to the Listserv Moderator, the NADTA Communications Chair, at [email protected] and you will be subscribed.

When emailing the Communications Chair to subscribe, please indicate your affiliation or interest in the field of drama therapy.

When you subscribe please request the regular, or abridged version. Regular version delivers each email to your inbox. Digest sends up to 25 full messages in one email. Abridged version sends you all the emails from each 24 hour period in one email. When you are subscribed you will get a message from the listserv with instructions for how to post items to the listserv.

Listserv Functionality and Etiquette

  • If you are sending a notification of a job or an event, please include where it is located in the subject line and in the body of your message. We have subscribers from all over the world, so it helps to know if there’s a possibility of applying or attending.
  • The listserv is not configured to accept attachments, so your message must be cut and pasted into the body of your email.
  • The listserv is reserved for posting information about drama therapy and other creative arts therapies. Listserv membership has requested that there be no posting of political messages or messages on other unrelated topics.
  • Feel free to repost job and event postings from the listserv to other sites.
  • Please do not repost or publish other people's listserv comments or questions without the author's permission (with the exception of jobs and events as listed above).

How Do I Respond or Reply to Someone Else's Posting?

  • To reply directly to one individual’s posting, click on “Reply.”
  • To reply to the entire listserv, click on “Reply All.”

What if My Email Address Changes?

If your email address changes, please email the Communications Chair at [email protected] with your new email address to update your subscription.

How Do I Unsubscribe?

If you wish to unsubscribe, please email the Communications Chair and you will be unsubscribed.